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Alias for a shell script

I need wget to be always used with --no-check-certificate option. This can be accomplished by typing the following line in a Unix terminal:

alias wget='wget --no-check-certificate'

However, when I execute shell scripts .sh that include wget command, the original wget is used not the aliased one. How can I resolve this issue?


You have to ensure your alias is defined, where the Shell-script is also sourcing it. If you are using Bash and the Shell-script is using /bin/bash as interpreator, putting into file .bashrc might bei a good idea.

However, --no-check-certificate is in about 99.9% of all cases a very bad idea as SSL is there for a reason.

Also I recommend not to overwrite common commands with custom aliases as this might change behavior of tools a script is relying on in unexpected way. I really recommend to fix up the environment so you don't need this dirty hack.
